Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse – Female

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Illuminate your home aquarium with the attractive and colorful appearance of the Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse. The wonderful patterned body can grab the attention of any onlooker. The Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse is also commonly referred as the Rhomboid Wrasse, Golden- tail Fairy Wrasse, Diamond-tail Fairy Wrasse. The Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse possess an maximum growth of 5 inches, hence, should be kept in a tank not less than 50 gallons. Make sure that you have housed the Golden-tail Fairy Wrasse within a covered tank as it is very good jumper and can escape from the aquarium. Provide a thick sand bed in the aquarium of Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse. You can also add plenty of live rocks and corals to the Rhomboid Wrasse’s tank offering it a lot of places to hide in. Maintain the environment with a temperature range of maximum 83 F and pH of 8.4 in the tank. You can feed your Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse with a meaty diet that consists of finely chopped brine shrimp, mysis shrimps, black worms and other kinds of meaty frozen foods. The Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse needs two or three feedings per day. The Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse makes good reef aquarium inhabitants if you keep it with ample crevices and caves.

Additional information
Weight 16 oz
Fish Size










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