Nepthea Coral, Aquacultured ORA®


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SKU: BVJ-91992 Categories: , , , ,

The ORA® aquacultured Nepthea Coral, also referred to as a Kenya Tree Coral, is similar to the members of both the Litophyton and Nephthea genera. It has a thick trunk, like a tree, and many branches giving it an arboreal appearance. The fine polyps of the Nepthea coral will make movement in your aquarium much more active.

They will thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, ranging from power compacts, T-5s, powerful LEDs and up to the more intense metal halides. Nepthea Corals satisfy the majority of their nutritional requirements by means of photosynthetic, symbiotic zooxanthellae algae hosted within its body. While it may not require additional food to maintain its health in the reef aquarium, the Nepthea Coral will feed on micro-plankton or foods designed for filter-feeding invertebrates.

The ORA Aquacultured Nepthea coral is attached to an aragonite plug and can be easily placed in holes or between the rockwork of the reef aquarium.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1″ to 2″

Additional information
Weight 16 oz
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