Blue Velvet Fire Shrimp


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SKU: 8200110 Categories: , ,
  • Tank size: 5–10 gallons ( about 40 liters)
  • Temperature: 72° to 82° F (22 – 28°C)
  • pH: 6.4 to 8.0 (ideally from 6.8 to 7.5)
  • KH: 0-8 (ideally from 2 to 4)
  • GH: 4-14 (ideally from 6 to 8)
  • TDS: 100-400 (ideally from 150 to 200)
  • Nitrate: less than 20 ppm
  • Living zone: Bottom-dwellers
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet: Algae eater/omnivore

Blue Velvet shrimps can live for about 1-2 years. The time variation is dependent on their genetics and quality of life. This, in turn, is determined by the quality of breeding and the care provided during their life in the tank.

Luckily, Blue Velvet shrimp is very adaptable and can acclimate itself well to its surrounding environment.

Regarding water temperature, it can tolerate temperatures as low as 64°F and as high as 82°F. The higher the temperature, the faster their metabolic rates and the quicker they’ll grow and breed.

Nevertheless, there’s a catch. The higher metabolism will result in an overall shorter life span. Therefore, it’s best to keep it in the 72 to 76°F (22 – 24°C) temperature range, where the shrimp can breed adequately and also live longer.

When it comes to the pH, it generally prefers a neutral environment, ideally from 6.8 to 7.5. It’ll also survive in slightly more acidic (6.4) or more alkaline (8) waters.

As for the KH, GH, and TDS, they can exist in moderate to hard waters. It can hold out in fairly hard water with a KH, GH, and TDS of 8, 20, and 400, respectively. On the other hand, soft water lacks the calcium needed to develop its new skeletons when molting.

Blue Velvet shrimps are scavengers/bottom feeders and can survive just fine on fish waste, decaying plants, algae, bacteria, and other aquatic microorganisms.



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Weight 16 oz
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Blue Velvet Fire Shrimp


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