Duncanopsammia Coral, Aquacultured ORA®


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SKU: BVJ-107333 Categories: , , , , ,

This striking aquacultured ORA® boasts vibrant purple and green tentacles that retract when disturbed, but otherwise remain on full display all day and night. Duncanopsammia Coral colonies form via long, tubular corallites with brilliant neon green oral discs.

Native to the deeper waters of Western and Northern Australia and the South China Sea, Duncanopsammia Coral prefers to attach to solid objects in soft, sandy areas. Here, they readily propagate and often form a continuous mat of tentacles that conceal the overall shape of the underlying colony. In the home aquarium, place in low current areas with low to moderate light.

This coral is peaceful and does well with other non-aggressive corals and invertebrates, provided it has ample room to grow. Though they feed through photosynthesis via the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae that thrive on the colony, they will benefit from the addition of foods designed for corals and invertebrates.

They will thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, ranging from power compacts, T-5s, powerful LEDs and up to the more intense metal halides. The ORA aquacultured Corals satisfy the majority of their nutritional requirements by means of photosynthetic, symbiotic zooxanthellae algae hosted within its body.

It also benefits from the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water column.

The ORA Aquacultured Duncanopsammia coral is attached to an argonite plug and can be easily placed in holes or between the rockwork of the reef aquarium.

Approximate Purchase Size: Mini: 1/2″ to 1″; Large 1″ to 2″

Additional information
Weight 16 oz
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